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  2017.09—2020.06 南京大学生态学                  理学博士

  2007.09—2010.06 湖北大学地图学与地理信息系统    理学硕士

  2002.09—2007.06 聊城大学资源环境与城乡规划管理  理学学士


  2020.08至今      聊城大学         地理教师  副教授

  2010.07—2017.08  甘肃民族师范学院  地理教师  副教授



  (1)国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目, 32060279, 黄河上游高寒草甸植物多样性变化的多尺度研究, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 35万元, 在研, 第二参与人

  (2)聊城大学博士启动基金,基于多源数据的黄河下游干旱监测与预警研究 2021-01-01-2026-12-31,16万,在研,主持

  (3)聊城市国土空间规划项目,基于多源数据的聊城市绿色空间格局演变及优化研究,2021-03-31至 2021-12-31,已结项,主持

  (4)参与金砖项目“Developing and Building Smart Monitoring and Early Warning System of Drought Disaster Effects on Grassland Productions in China, Russia and Brazil”的研究,主要从事草地干旱监测及预警模型构建工作。

  (5)参与APN国际组织项目:“Assessing Spatiotemporal Variability of NPP, NEP and Carbon Sinks of Global Grassland Ecosystem in response to Climate Change in 1911-2011” (No. ARCP2015-03C MY-Li & CAF2015-RR14-NMY-Odeh),主要负责全球草地生态系统草地生产力模型的优化构建驱动机制部分。




  1. 第七届山东省大学生创新科技创新大赛铜牌指导教师 山东省教育厅,2021年 排名第一

  2. 2021年ESRI中国大学生GIS比赛优秀指导教师,中国测绘协会,2021年,排名第一




  Chun-yan Zhang, Lin Zhao, Qi-peng Zhang, Qian Wang.Spatial-temporal characteristics of carbon emissions from land use change in Yellow River Delta region, China.Ecological Indicators, 2022 (SCI 通讯作者)

  Qi-peng Zhang; Jian Wang; Qian Wang ; Effects of abiotic factors on plant diversity and s

  pecies distribution of alpine meadow plants, Ecological Informatics, 2021 (SCI 通讯作者)

  Qian Wang, Qi-peng Zhang, Yang-yang Liu, et al. Characterizing the Spatial Distribution of Typical Natural Disaster Vulnerability in China from 2010 to 2017.Natural Hazards. 2019. (SCI)

  Qian Wang, Yangyang Liu, Yan-zhen Zhang, et al.  Assessment of Spatial Agglomeration of Agricultural Drought Disaster in China. Scientific Reports. 2019 (SCI)

  Qian Wang, Yue YANG, Yangyang Liu, et al.  Assessing the Impacts of Drought on Grassland Net Primary Production at the Global Scale. Scientific Reports. 2019. (SCI)

  Qian Wang, Yangyang Liu, Linjing Tong, et al. Rescaled Statistics and Wavelet Analysis on Agricultural Drought Disaster Periodic Fluctuations in China from 1950 to 2016. Sustainability, 2018. (SCI)

  Yangyang Liu, Qian Wang, Zhaoying Zhang, et al. Grassland dynamics in responses to climate variation and human activities in China from 2000 to 2013[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019. (SCI)

  Yanzhen Zhang, Qian Wang, Zhaoqi Wang, et al. Impact of human activities and climate change on the grassland dynamics under different regime policies in the Mongolian Plateau [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019. (SCI)

  Wang Q, Zheng W M, Zhao X M, et al. Construction of Virtual Campus of Gansu Normal University for Nationalities Based on ArcGIS[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013(EI).

  Wang Q, Zhao D C, Zhang Q P. Evaluation of Water Resource Based on Carrying Capacity in Gansu[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013.(EI)